The Weblog
Sunday Means It's Time to Order
Good morning.
The Wednesday Market is open for ordering. Please place your order by 10 p.m. Monday. Orders are ready for pick up between 2 and 4 p.m. Wednesday. See the website for this week’s product offerings. Here is the link:
Thank you for supporting Georgia Grown products. We’ll see you at the Market.
Happy Mother's Day! You May Order Now
Good afternoon, and Happy Mother’s Day from The Wednesday Market!
The Market is open for ordering. Please place your order by 10 p.m. Monday. Orders are ready for pick up between 2 and 4 p.m. Wednesday. See the website for this week’s product offerings. Here is the link:
Thank you for supporting Georgia Grown products. We’ll see you at the Market.
Volunteer Needed to Make the Milk Run
Dear Friends,
We need a new volunteer to be our “milk runner.” The milk runner is the person who picks up milk, cream, butter, and other items from The Good Shepherd Dairy in McDonough to fulfill our Wednesday Market orders. For several months Robin Hiatt has been our milk runner, and this is her last week. Please join me in thanking her for her service. If you are interested in volunteering for this vital function, please contact Sharon Fox for more details. Sharon’s number is (404) 569-0582.
Are You Ready to Order? It's Time!
Good afternoon!
The Wednesday Market is open for orders. Please place your order by 10 p.m. Monday. Orders are ready for pick up between 2 and 4 p.m. Wednesday. See the website for this week’s product offerings. Here is the link:
We thank our customers for your enthusiastic return to the Market! Last week’s sales were the highest we have had in a few years. While we do not yet know the long term effect of the coronavirus pandemic’s impact on consumer behavior, our sincere hope is that Americans will embrace a return to locally grown and locally produced food. If we are buying from our neighbors, we don’t have to worry about supply chains being broken.
We are still taking a conservative approach with the opening of our Market, so please continue to observe the system we’ve been using for “social distancing” order pick up. If you need a review, please refer to last week’s weblog, available on our website under the “Weblog” tab.
Again, thank you for your support, and we’ll see you at the Market!
We Are Open! Welcome Back!
Good morning.
Great news! The Wednesday Market is open for orders. Please place your order by 10 p.m. Monday. Orders are ready for pick up between 2 and 4 p.m. Wednesday. See the website for this week’s product offerings. Here is the link:
Please note that we are still observing our “social distancing” protocol. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, The Wednesday Market is making some important changes to our order pick up procedures.
The health and well-being of our customers and volunteers are of our utmost concern. To minimize risk of spreading the virus, we ask that you follow these steps when you come to the Market.
1. Call or text us when you are about 5 minutes from arriving at the Market. Sharon (404) 569-0582; Irma (770) 584-0432.
2. We will place your order outside on the porch at the Market, along with a note showing the total of your order.
3. Please pay by CHECK ONLY and leave payment on the desk outside the front door.
4. After you have picked up your order, we will retrieve your payment from the desk.
If you will be late picking up your order, you may use the key from the lock box on the porch. Call or text Sharon or Irma at the numbers listed above if you need the lock box access code. Orders for late pickup will be in the refrigerator along with an envelope for you to provide payment.
Thank you for your support of Georgia Grown products. We’ll see you at the Market!
The Wednesday Market is Re-Opening!
Great news! The Wednesday Market is opening soon!
The Market will be open for orders, and the system will be turned on Saturday, April 24, at 4 p.m. You may order until 10 p.m. on Monday, April 27. Orders will be ready for pick up between 2 and 4 p.m. on Wednesday, April 29.
Please note that we are still observing our “social distancing” protocol. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, The Wednesday Market is making some important changes to our order pick up procedures.
The health and well-being of our customers and volunteers are of our utmost concern. To minimize risk of spreading the virus, we ask that you follow these steps when you come to the Market.
1. Call or text us when you are about 5 minutes from arriving at the Market. Sharon (404) 569-0582; Irma (770) 584-0432.
2. We will place your order outside on the porch at the Market, along with a note showing the total of your order.
3. Please pay by CHECK ONLY and leave payment on the desk outside the front door.
4. After you have picked up your order, we will retrieve your payment from the desk.
If you will be late picking up your order, you may use the key from the lock box on the porch. Call or text Sharon or Irma at the numbers listed above if you need the lock box access code. Orders for late pickup will be in the refrigerator along with an envelope for you to provide payment.
These instructions will be shared again in Sunday’s weblog.
We look forward to seeing you NEXT week.
Your Wednesday Market volunteers,
Sharon, Irma, Anna and Beverly
An Important Message from The Wednesday Market
Dear Friends,
Ordinarily, I’d be sitting down to write this weblog to let you all know that the Market is open for orders, but today, I’m sad to inform you that The Wednesday Market is closed until further notice. The health and well being of our farmers, customers, and volunteers are of our utmost concern. Please join us in heeding the directive of federal, state, and local governments to stay at home and limit social interactions. We must all do our part to keep the virus from spreading. We do not know how long the COVID-19 pandemic will last.
May you all be safe and healthy until we meet again.
Your Market Managers,
Beverly, Sharon, Irma, and Anna
Important Notice from The Wednesday Market
Dear Customers,
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, The Wednesday Market is making some important changes to our order pick up procedures for this week.
The health and well being of our customers and volunteers are of our utmost concern. To minimize risk of spreading the virus, we ask that you follow these steps when you come to the Market.
1. Call or text us when you are about 5 minutes from arriving at the Market. Sharon (404) 569-0582; Irma (770) 584-0432.
2. We will place your order outside on the porch at the Market, along with a note showing the total of your order.
3. Please pay by CHECK ONLY and leave payment on the desk outside the front door.
4. After you have picked up your order, we will retrieve your payment from the desk.
If you will be late picking up your order, you may use the key from the lock box on the porch. Call or text Sharon or Irma at the numbers listed above if you need the lock box access code. Orders for late pickup will be in the refrigerator along with an envelope for you to provide payment.
We do not know how long the pandemic will last. The Wednesday Market will be closed until further notice.
Your market volunteers,
Sharon, Irma, Anna, and Beverly
The Wednesday Market is Open
Good afternoon.
The Wednesday Market is open for orders. Please place your order by 10 p.m. Monday. Orders are ready for pick up between 2 and 4 p.m. Wednesday. See the website for this week’s product offerings. Here is the link:
Thank you for supporting Georgia Grown. We’ll see you at the Market.
The Sun is Shining and It's Time to Order
Good afternoon.
The Wednesday Market is open for orders. Please place your order by 10 p.m. Monday. Orders are ready for pick up between 2 and 4 p.m. Wednesday. Check the website for this week’s product offerings. Here is the link:
Have a great Sunday, and we’ll see you at the Market.