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Time to Order; Has Spring Finally Sprung?; And More

Good afternoon on this sunny Sunday!

The Wednesday Market is open for orders. Please place your order by 10 p.m. Monday. Orders are ready for pick up Wednesday between 3 and 6 p.m. Please see the website for all of this week’s product listings. Here is the link:

What a week of weather we just had! So strange that we get a taste of all four seasons in the span of a few days. I truly hope that Spring has finally sprung upon us! If you are wondering when the average last frost occurs, you can check the statistics at by looking at the data collected at various weather stations around the state. Griffin and Williamson are the two closest stations near us.

I looked at 21 years of data recorded by the Williamson station, from 1993 to 2013, and learned that the last frost date has been as early as February 20 (in 2012) and as late as April 19 (2001). Furthermore, the last frost date has occurred 10 times each in March and April, but only once in February.

What does all of this data mean? I think it means that we should be cautiously optimistic that Spring is here. I am not ready to plant anything yet, and I’ll be keeping my jacket and umbrella handy! In the meantime, today is to be enjoyed.

In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, Tuesday, March 17, here is my favorite Irish blessing:

May the road rise to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face.
And rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.

I encourage each of you to join the “Pick Up Pike” or PUP Facebook page to follow efforts to improve the countryside by picking up litter along our roadways. Find out what you can do to get involved! It takes all of us to keep Pike clean.

Thank you for supporting locally grown agriculture and for choosing to purchase locally! We’ll see you Wednesday.

