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Open for Orders

Good evening to everyone in The Wednesday Market.

The Market is open for orders. Please place your orders by 10 p.m. Monday. Orders are available for pick-up on Wednesday between 3:30 and 6 p.m. See the website for this week’s product listings. Here is the link:

The Market on April 23 was one of our best-ever days! Thank you to our customers who bought so many fresh strawberries, milk, cream, and eggs, as well as fresh spring greens and herbs, and much, much more. We served 55 customers who placed 67 orders with us.

And here we “grow” again, as this week we welcome The Rock Ranch in The Rock, Ga., as a Wednesday Market vendor. Products offered by The Rock Ranch include cube steak, sirloin roast, and chuck roast. The meat is fresh, grain-fed, hormone and steroid free all natural beef, raised in Upson County. The Rock Ranch also offers strawberries, and as the season progresses, plans to list blackberries and raspberries grown in a conventional manner.

As April is National Poetry Month, I thought it would be appropriate to close this week’s blog with a poem celebrating Spring.

Slow Spring by Katharine Tynan

_O year, grow slowly. Exquisite, holy,
The days go on
With almonds showing the pink stars blowing
And birds in the dawn. _

Grow slowly, year, like a child that is dear,
Or a lamb that is mild,
By little steps, and by little skips,
Like a lamb or a child.

Have a great Sunday, and we’ll see you on Wednesday.

